Karl Heinz Asenbaum presents with this video his “Dubai Christmas Speech” 2017. He tells the whole story of alkaline ionized water and shows that a waterionizer is an invention with an extraordinary potential.
Video | Philosophy of Electro-Activated Alkaline water
> Here is the seminar Electro-Activated Drinking Water (with englisch subtitles)
The author of 4 german books about reduced water: “Service Handbuch Mensch”, “Trink dich basisch”, “Basisches Aktivwasser von A-Z”, “Elektroaktiviertes Wasser – eine Erfindung mit außergewöhnlichem Potential” comes to the conclusion, that alkaline activated water is going to become a revolutio
Also he proposes to use it to improve our dayly food just by laying it in alkaline activated reducing water to stop the oxidation and reverse aging.
The Video shows not only a speech, but presents also many reports oft the experiments with electrochemically activated water, Karl Heinz Asenbaum undertakes since 2004.
Finally Asenbaum claims that hydrogen-rich water (HRW), which is made best with a water ionizer with diaphragm, will play a fundamental role in the upcoming hydrogen era.
Following the complete spoken text of the presentation above in Dubai about the Philosophy and history of alkaline, electro-activated water
Dubai BB 1 center
A philosophy of Alkaline Activated Water
Karl H. Asenbaum
Euromultimedia Publishing. Munich. On Christmas 2015
In 1632, Galileo Galilei published his book “Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, Ptolemaic and the Copernican”. The world-renowned Italian scientist stood on the side of Nicolaus Copernicus, who had interpreted the rotation of the earth around itself and the sun, the so-called revolutions in 1543. Since that time, the term revolution represents a radical change of fundamental beliefs. Galileo was punished for his book with house arrest until the end of life but was glad that the church did not burn him along with his books.
With the Copernican Revolution, the old and very complicated geocentric worldview slowly came to disrepute. Moreover, in 1686, Sir Isaac Newton formulated his law of gravitation to explain the geocentric worldview through his mathematical principles of natural science. Afterwards, this law was practically confirmed by an experiment of Henry Cavendish in 1797. At last, after 25 years, the Catholic Church accepted the irrefutable Copernican worldview.
This was the first great revolution of human thought which emerged victorious against the mere observational phenomena and lasted for about 254 years. If the early critics of Aristotle, Aristarchus of Samos and the Indian astronomer Aryabhata would be included, the Copernican revolution had been there for up to 2,100 years.
The realization that the world is really different from our mere observation and measurement is the essential characteristic of modern science, where knowledge dominates perception. Whenever this happens with any phenomena of everyday experience, a conflict arises with common sense. Along with a conflict of institutions which are based on tradition, faith and beliefs, such as churches, religions and organizations of all kind. Continuous revolutions were faced by the states and economic organizations with respect to their functioning and political views.
The 20th Century with the general theory of relativity and the quantum mechanics revolution of physics towards a mathematical laws system marked a next revolution point that explains all observable natural phenomena of the universe. It still cannot be regarded as completed at the moment.
What is the main point of the next revolution of our worldview?
Let’s come back to the eccentric scientist Henry Cavendish, who had set the provisional capstone over the centuries-old debate about the celestial phenomena with his proof of the reality of Newton’s gravity laws. This gentleman is also the trigger for the revolution of another worldview: This worldview was imprinted to the intuition of mankind almost immovably over millions years. I mean the picture that we have of water in our minds.
Water covers about 70% of the Earth’s surface and bears about as much to our body volume. Water has been so incontrovertible to us that hardly a dozen of scientists and researchers before Cavendish took it as a scientific topic. Just like fire, air and earth, water was counted as the primordial four elements that have always been there. Almost 30 years before he proved the existence of gravity, In 1766, Cavendish stunned the world with the revelation that water is not an element but consists of “inflammable air”. He discovered hydrogen as a highly explosive gas. Monsieur Antoine de Lavoisier, working as a Manager of explosive materials for the French king, found out that something else in water was a gas, he called oxygen. Later in 1787, the complete revolution of our view of water came into existence. Lavoisier remixed the gases to oxyhydrogen and allowed it to explode to become water again. Lavoisier was the first to systematically and deliberately produce artificial water by combining hydrogen and oxygen. However, Lavoisier’s revolutionary enemies of the French revolotion were not impressed by him. With the words: “The Republic needs neither a scientist nor a chemist” they sent him under the guillotine in 1794. In fact, there is and there was no requirement for oxygen as the air is abundant with 21% of its molecules.
Hydrogen, as an element, is even more interesting. Lavoisier broke water into its components through high thermal energy. The process is called thermolysis. Back in 1800, the investigation of Johann Wilhelm Ritter revealed that the water decomposition happens when a very low electrical energy from a battery, developed by Alessandro Volta at the same point of scientific history, is used. Thus Mr. Ritter’s Elec-trolyis paved the way from chemistry to electrochemistry.
Almost 40 years after the invention of fuel cell, in 1839 by Welsh jurist William Grove, generation of electricity from the gases that where hidden in water, was made possible. In future, these historical steps will be looked upon as the beginning of hydrogen age.
At first, the science fiction writer Jules Verne was inspired from this idea. In his novel “The Mysterious Island” published in 1874, his fictional character Cyrus Smith mentioned: I believe that one day, hydrogen and oxygen that constitute water, will become an inexhaustible source of heat and light, even stronger than hard coal. One day, the coal bunkers of steamers and the tenders of locomotives instead will be filled with these two compressed gases instead of coal. .”
Later, in 1923, the concept of the hydrogen economy was first discussed openly by John Burdon Sanderson Haldane. This topic will top the list of global researches of 21st century. The backbone of this economy is hydrogen, which is transformed by the hydrogen fusion in the sun into helium, light and heat. Light and heat on our planet are stored in plants by means of water ,carbon dioxide and photosynthesis in hydrogen packets. This is the basis of all energy generation and consumption on our planet.
Going back to water, it was clear that the concept that water surrounds us is no more than rubbish. It is just a waste product from the combustion of hydrogen with oxygen. On the other hand, this garbage called water is a very interesting recycling product. It is one of the most fundamental elements of life. This process is very exciting yet perplexing for the world.
Till the year 1923, no one had a definite answer to the question that how hydrogen and oxygen gases behave when they are dissolved in water? In this case, water serves as a storage medium for hydrogen-oxygen, also considered as a detonating gas, and thus it is home to more energy than ordinary water. Nevertheless, most scientists of the 19th century were interested in water – almost exclusively in connection with the construction of hydroelectric power plants, where quantity of water was more important than the quality of water.
Drink a glass of water
Generally, in human history water had a bad image as a drink. Louis Pasteur’s statement that 90% of all diseases are transmitted by drinking water had been spoken widely. Usage of tap water therefore was not very popular – especially to rich people. It was basically boiled or filtered. Mostly: Tap water was only drunk in emergencies, in poverty or in prison. The necessity for drinking water purity cannot be sufficiently ensured even today – in many parts of the world. Only after the Second World War a tightly controlled infrastructure for drinking water from the tap was established in developed countries.
In the 19th century medicinal and treated water became a fashion. The doctor and pharmacist Friedrich Adolph August Struve from Dresden introduced artificial mineral water from 1821 onwards. It represented exact mineral copies of famous healing waters. He sold them with great commercial success in Drinking Spas throughout Europe. The last bottle was filled in 1969. However, this artificial medicinal water was only the chemical composition of the natural sources. Struve ignored the electrochemical parameters of water, although it was already known that healing waters work best when it is used from the natural source – and not after many days and long transport in bottles or barrels.
In spite of everything, in the early 1920s the reverse osmosis AG, a company of Botho Graf von Schwerin in Berlin was occupied with the question: how to purify water by elec-trolyis and produce artificial mineral waters. Till 1931, a number of international patents were researching on these issues. Among them were the European and US-water scientists as well. Additionally, in Japan, Machisue Suwa began to deal with the question: what happens to water during elec-trolyis? But at that time, only engineer Alfons Natterer in Munich worked on his idea of testing electrolytically treated water in terms of its medical usefulness. Thus, he became the inventor of electrically activated water, as we know of it today. Natterer was not much interested in the mineral composition of electrolytic water. He thought that an undefined electric force is present in it, but did not know that this is primarily determined by the dissolved hydrogen and oxygen gas. Natterer sold electrolyte water in three flavors from 1937-1981 as a medicinal product in Germany.
Another revolution was marked in 1937 when Albert Szent György informed the world, in his Nobel Prize acceptance speech, about the fundamental role of hydrogen in energy production in the body in simple words:
“Carbon and its combustion by oxygen to form carbon dioxide is not the basic source of our life, but hydrogen and its combustion by oxygen”.
He jotted down two fundamental equations on the blackboard:
Energy + 2n H 2 O = H 4n – n O 2.
4n H + n CO 2 = C n H 2n O n + n H 2 O
The life-giving energy of the radiation from sun is mainly used to disassemble water into its components, while Carbon dioxide only serves to get the substantial amount of hydrogen.
Szent-Gyorgyi’s summary was: “Our body really knows only one fuel, hydrogen. Our food, carbohydrates, is basically a hydrogen package … and the main event during its combustion is the absorption of hydrogen. “
Unfortunately hydrogen became very unpopular and scaring in the same year. The Zeppelin Hindenburg was filled with 200,000 cubic meters of hydrogen and exploded. Later, the public image of hydrogen was destroyed totally by the development of the hydrogen bomb in the 1950s.
Nevertheless, Szent-Gyorgyis words have a revolutionary potential of a new kind. Imagine! We eat items like agriculture crops and flesh of other creatures, chew and digest food to get energy after a long and laborious process. Is that really necessary, if the only thing we want to get out is a gas?
Just as it takes some time to get used to the idea that the sun doesn’t revolve around the Earth, the thought is strange that our satiety after eating serves no other biological purpose than signaling sufficient saturation of our body cells with hydrogen. Although this idea is as obvious as the earth is not flat, it will take a long time until this point is universally accepted that everything we need for our lives is an excess of H2. The fundamental problem is that the sense of satiety is no longer a true signal that we have enough hydrogen available. Why?
We are at the end of the food chain and eat other creatures. Even plants are living beings. According to Szent Györgyi’s undeniable process of energy metabolism, we only want to have their hydrogen in the end. We die if we do not eat? No! Not instantly. We can draw on our own hydrogen reserves. There have been extreme cases in which a human has survived without food for 200 days. But we die within a few days, if we do not get the supply of water.
Now, we as human beings have the benefit of a very large brain. Like all great achievements, it has its downsides. Mankind could develop from the apes away because they have dispensed with fresh food and began to cook instead. By cooking, our food choices have increased tremendously. Plants that were not suitable for us, took place in our food-shopping basket. The colon was shortened because precooked food requires not so long lasting digestive processes and the convolutions could grow to the size of our cerebrum.
But! Cooking reduces the hydrogen content of the food. Because hydrogen gas, that permanently floods every living cell, escapes during cooking completely and only the chemically bonded hydrogen, for example carbohydrates, remains. To get the same amount of hydrogen as in uncooked food, we must eat relatively more.
Similar to the hydrogen-destruction by cooking is the transportation and the very long storage of fresh food. Hydrogen gas is only present and directly available in fresh and living tissues. A typical picture of this is a dried-apple or a shriveled potato etc. Fruits and vegetables may have been biologically planted but the organic life disappears with the outgassing hydrogen and the loss of circulating water. What follows? If we don’t get enough free hydrogen, like we get by eating fresh food, we have to eat more of the old food which is the only one we really get these days. This food supply system doesn’t provide us with fresh products and makes us fatefully fat because we must eat more of it to get what we need.
Global transportation chains for food and the readymade food products have experienced exponential growth in the 21st century. Such foods contain less hydrogen content at the point of consumption. The inevitable concern is that the individual food consumption is increasing due to lack of hydrogen. That’s where all that obesity and diabetes is coming from.
Another side effect is a constant calorie surplus, which will be enhanced by the fact that physical work with high calorie consumption is replaced by sedentary intellectual activity in enclosed rooms with bad air and high oxidative stress.
Oxidative stress is a term used for the loss of balance between oxidative processes. It means that electron-consuming combustion processes by oxygen and antioxidant processes are determined by the electron charge. Even before the antioxidant powers lies hydrogen, which supplies all the major antioxidant molecules such as vitamin C, catechin, glutathione, vitamin E, Coenzyme Q 10, etc. with electrons. Environmental pollutants in the bad air of computer workstations, electromagnetic fields, mental stress, drugs, social drugs and improper diet increases the need for antioxidants. Normal Antioxidants without simultaneous supplementation of hydrogen are not suitable as dietary supplements because they are consumed very quickly and convert into free radicals.
So the question what we should eat, should be asked from a new angle:
First of all: we should get as much hydrogen as possible.
There are seven basic solutions, but all have their respective disadvantages.
- Solution 1: Eat more to compensate the lack of hydrogen.
- Disadvantage 1: Overeating leads to diseases such as obesity, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, heart attack and stroke.
- Solution 2: Eat more healthy: Hydrogen-rich plant food, especially raw food
- Disadvantage 2: Our Colon is not as long as that of a chimpanzee. A lot of energy is required for the slow digestion of raw food which is diverted and missing especially in the brain.
- Solution 3: Drinking alcohol! yes, it sounds surprising. But nevertheless works a while and people do it because alcohol is a better hydrogen supplier than carbohydrates.
- Disadvantage 3: It’s a slow poison. Liver and brain damage is inevitable in the long run.
- Solution 4: Eat fermented products with continuous fermentation. The reason is that fermentation flora in the colon is a permanent hydrogen producer and has the ability to improve your intestinal flora to get more hydrogen.
- Disadvantage 4: The hydrogen produced by the intestinal flora in the colon is not sufficient. In addition, fermentation also produces acid that disturbs the acid / base balance.
- Solution 5: Directly inhale some hydrogen.
- Disadvantage 5: Hydrogen inhalation is very expensive and also connected with numerous problems of technology and safety. It is used only in medical therapies. The infusion of hydrogen-rich water is already being used but the most economical and most convenient in everyday solution is drinking hydrogen-rich water.
- Solution 6: Revitalize yourself by external application or oral consumption of hydrogen-rich water.
- Disadvantage 6: The Catholyte baths which are baths in hydrogen-rich water have been well researched by Russian scientists, but they are technically feasible only with great effort. Also there are limits by side effects, primarily possible problems in cardiovascular system and problems with protective shell function of the skin.
- Solution 7: Revitalize not yourself but your food by hydrogen-rich water. This can begin at growing plants by watering or at animal breeding by soaking with hydrogen-rich water. It is also possible for foods that have inferior oxidation processes, it is also possible, to mix in, spray or soak with hydrogen-rich water shortly before consumption. So oxidation processes are stopped and even reversed.
- Disadvantage 7: technology is needed, which requires the acquisition and maintenance costs.
For the production of hydrogen-rich water chemical, biotechnical and electro-physical technologies are available.
To evaluate this, I’ll show you here which basic ways of optimization of drinking water are possible today:
One of the biggest problems of human civilization is that up to this day, it cannot everywhere be guaranteed that drinking water without contaminants is available.
Of course, it is possible to get clean water for everyone. For urban and domestic water treatment we can use established technologies, if we have the resources.
An industry for bottled water also helps, that anywhere in the world basically clean water may be available. In principle, even in poor regional supply situations you can create almost any purity level by using filter systems. However, the filtration is used for purification and flavor-improving of water but not for the enrichment with free hydrogen gas, which does not exist in tap water and is very volatile.
A biotechnological enrichment with hydrogen-producing bacteria and yeasts is not possible with pure water, because it should be free of germs and carbohydrates they would need to produce hydrogen.
Some sweetened water can be really healthy, if you treat it with yeast and bacteria such as the Japanese water kefir which is a mixed population of some useful germs. Let it react with sugar for two days and then drink. Water-Kefir, generally accepted as very healthy drink with high water and hydrogen content created from simple sugar water. Also sour milk products such as yogurt generally fall into this category and the use of lactic acid bacteria is indeed one of the oldest techniques for the shelf life of food. Just think of pickles or pickled peppers. The disadvantage of hydrogen producing creatures is that they not only produce the desired hydrogen as their metabolic waste, but also produce the acidic maker carbon dioxide, which is a gas that the human body does not absorb, but wants to get rid of it as soon as possible.
So -in order to increase the hydrogen content of water at least a chemical enrichment is required.
This is done by adding alkaline or alkaline earth metals to water, which form ions that liberate hydrogen. Of these “Hydrogen Producing minerals” mainly magnesium has been established on the market.
Another chemical method, but being relatively expensive, is the fumigation of water with pure hydrogen gas.
Both chemical methods achieve at best 2/3 of the maximum hydrogen saturation of 1.5 mg / per liter and also require a production time of more than 12 hours. The complete hydrogen saturation can only be achieved if the oxygen dissolved in water is removed from it. This is impossible with these chemical methods.
Now the last and best method in my eyes: The electrical activation of water is being explored since the 1930s and the market is increasing since the 1980s. It works by elec-trolyis of water in a so-called water ionizer.
During water elec-trolyis, water molecules are broken down into H + and Hydroxide-Ions, the two Ions that form water. This breaking is a natural process in water, which is called dissociation or autopro-tolysis. The self-Ionization of water takes place in any 10-millionth water molecule. By using a direct current, which must be greater than the so-called decomposition voltage, the number of decomposed water molecules is significantly increased. Anyway a water ionizer decomposes not all water-molecules. It’s only a partial elec-trolyis.
The actual product and the purpose of water elec-trolyis is the recovery of the water gases hydrogen and oxygen, H2 and O2. 1 molecule of hydrogen gas H2 and ½ molecule of oxygen gas is produced per every disassembled water molecule. 2 water molecules create 2 molecules of hydrogen gas and 1 molecule of oxygen gas.
It is apparent that we get twice as much hydrogen gas than oxygen gas, what most of us have probably seen when Hofman’s water elec-trolyis apparatus is demonstrated in the chemistry classroom.
But in Hofman’s water elec-trolyis apparatus we do not see what happens in the electrolyzed water. We only see what is happening above the water surface. We only see the gases that have left the water. But we can measure electrically what is happening in that water. Why?
If water is formed by the combustion of hydrogen with oxygen – you may remember the double revolutionary man named Henry Cavendish – we call it nowadays a redox reaction. This comic double word consists of the components oxidation and reduction. Oxidation means the participation of oxygen. The part of Red – means reduction and means restitution of the unoxidized state before. To children I explain with the pair of concepts: wrecking and heal. Oxygen burns and breaks something. Hydrogen heals the combustion. Young people learn in school then, that the oxidation means a loss of electrons at the burned reactants, while reducing means a gain of electrons.
The point is that oxidation energy is released, usually as heat: That is why we speak so often about combustion. This is done very quickly and violently, it can even be explosive. In a school experiment with Hofman’s water elec-trolyis apparatus, the lesson will end with an explosion in the redox reaction between the gases hydrogen and oxygen in a ratio of 2: 1.
You can also compare this with shopping and just consider the money in your pocket as electrons. To buy a bottle of water, your money has to mi-grate to the seller. At the end he has the money and you have the water and no more money to buy anything else. In nature, however, there are no consumer protection laws. If you want to return your water bottle, the seller might give your money back. If you want back the hydrogen and oxygen out of the water, you need the energy that was released when water was created. In case of elec-trolyis you have to pay your electricity bill.
And now imagine we buy a bottle of water with our credit card. At the moment, you need no money, but the seller will check whether the credit card is valid, so that he can get the money for your purchase later. This credit line in electrochemistry is called redox potential or formally oxidation reduction potential ORP. It corresponds to your shopping potency. It is first of a comic: The lower the ORP, the higher your shopping potency is. But, if you recall in your mind that the electrons, in contrast to the technical direction of current, flow from negative to positive pole, you can keep it easier in your mind.
The redox potential is measured as an electrical voltage. Free Hydrogen in water –sometimes called active hydrogen – causes a lower ORP than oxygen. The voltage difference between the two gases is about 1.23 volts. The more hydrogen gas is dissolved in water, the lower is the measured ORP. However, the ORP measurement is not sufficient to determine the hydrogen gas content of water exactly. Because dissolved oxygen gas rises the ORP by up to 1.23 volts.
This is important in the comparison of two different electrolytic processes for producing hydrogen-rich water. I have to explain this to you now.
If elec-trolyis is carried out in a single chamber then both hydrogen and oxygen gas are dissolved in water. The reason is the double amount of hydrogen produced.
Initially the ORP drops sharply within the first 3 minutes. However, oxygen can be solved in drinking water temperature in approximately the double amount. It takes a little bit more time. So, the ORP rises in the next few minutes. The excess of electrons is thus reduced by the presence of oxygen gas, although at the same time dissolved hydrogen is present.
The advantage of the single-chamber technology, for which there is a number of fairly comfortable equipment, consists in the rapid and cost-effective production of hydrogen-containing water. The disadvantage is that it does not allow filling up the full hydrogen capacity of drinking water. Nevertheless, there is a lot of therapeutic use of hydrogen-rich water which is described in scientific studies around the world since the year 2007, when Japanese professor Shigeo Ohta discovered the antioxidative abilities of hydrogen-gas in the body.
Clearly superior in terms of the accumulation of hydrogen is a water ionizer, which works by using diaphragm technology. These devices produce 2 types of water, namely alkaline activated water with maximum active hydrogen content and acidic water with maximum active oxygen content. The two gases are split onto the anode chamber and the cathode chamber.
An additional advantage is that the water in the cathodic chamber with high hydrogen content also will be more alkaline than the original tap water. This is not caused by a change of gas content, but due to the formation of hydroxide ions during cathodic elec-trolyis. The advantage is: At higher pH, water can absorb more hydrogen than at low pH.
A flow-water ionizer with a multiple elec-trolyis cell system using the pressure of the tap water line produces oversaturated hydrogen water. In my video published on the Internet I demonstrated what this oversaturation means: The surplus of hydrogen from 4 liters is enough for a nice detonating gas explosion.
If you drink water, which is obtained from such an ionizer, immediately after production, you can measure hydrogen content of more than 1.8 mg per liter in it. Some hydrogen evaporates within minutes into the atmosphere and then drops to the normal 1.5 mg / per liter at 15 degrees C.
If you do not wait too long, you can use the hydrogen overloading for a hydrogen injection in foods.
For example: This works in the germination acceleration of plant seeds or if you are refreshing a wilted lettuce. Another possibility is to put a whole egg in fresh alkaline activated water to charge it with hydrogen gas which is penetrating the eggshell.
An egg is known to be a primordial cell of life and stocks a lot of hydrogen and bases. In egg whites you can measure pH values of up to 9.5. This is two pH levels above the normal body level of circulating blood. By the way: 9.5 is the pH, I recommend for drinking alkaline activated water.
In the following video I can show you how to reduce the ORP of both egg whites and egg yolks, just by inserting eggs into alkaline activated water from a waterionizer in my kitchen for some minutes. On the other hand the pH-value remains the same, because the hydroxide-Ions of the water can hardly penetrate the eggshell. Only hydrogen gas, the smallest of all molecules can pass this barrier. The reducing of the ORP-Value offers sig-nificantly more elec-trons. Even an old egg slides with plump yolk in the pan after this treatment.
(Video insert eggs treatment)
And here you see similar experiments I conducted with different everyday food.
(Video insert: tomatoes, oranges, apricots, currants and carrot-juice.)
From these examples that could be continued indefinitely, you see that always the same thing happens: The oxidation-reduction potential or ORP drops, the e-lectron supply increases and the typical pH value of the food remains the same. The German food researcher Professor Dr. Manfred Hoffmann describes in his book “Food Quality and Health”, that any kind of food move with respect to their pH and ORP in a specific electronic window. Thus the value of the ORP can be used as a benchmark for food quality, the lower the measured value is. This is exactly what happened in my experiments when I treated aged food with freshly produced hydrogen-rich alkaline water. In this way foods that were initially of a lower quality, for example by too long storage or transport, can be upgraded to a quality that we normally find in fresh organically grown food. The additional quality is just based from a transfer of hydrogen from activated alkaline water too our food.
Thus, the use of alkaline activated water is far beyond drinking healthy beverage. This is the fundamental revolutionary potential of this invention, which can raise the lifestyle to a much healthier level. At least for those who can afford a water ionizer, it’s a new chance to improve life.
This opportunity is a new sight of activated water. Originally, scientists in the CIS states who had explored the extraordnary ORP as the first, thought that there was only kind of an electrochemical activation. For many years they did not understand the role of hydrogen-transfer. What happened seemed rather mysterious and was explained by the so-called “contactless activation”.
But the alleged “contactless” activation does not happen, if you use a thick glass container or a bottle made of metal.
In contrast, the activation happens without problems by using softer materials such as plastic bags, plastic cups etc. as you see in my following experiments.
(Passing video with tetra packs, milk cartons etc.)
These are only some examples for a new method of everyday use of alkaline water.
Another important method is mixing, blending and stirring in alkaline activated water, for example into baby milk powder.
Breast milk from a mother breastfeeding her baby, has electrochemically better quality measurements than the replacement of breast milk with baby milk powder which is mixed with ordinary water. Both the pH and the ORP-Values of real breast milk are corresponding almost exactly to the values of our blood. This is a pH of about 7.4 and an ORP of minus 10 to minus 60 millivolts.
The overview pictured here shows the sig-nificantly worse values of some standard products, we can reach by the normal method of baby milk preparation. The obtained pH values are lower; the ORP is significantly higher than the natural breast milk model.
However, if alkaline activated water from a conventional household water ionizer is used, values come con-siderably closer to the natural mother’s milk. The pH still cannot be completely achieved. The reason for this might be that most manufacturers of baby milk powders add extra vitamins that play a role as a factor of acidity – like vitamin C which is ascorbic acid.
The corresponding problem is likely to be similar to the artificial mineral water of the pharmacist Friedrich Adolph August Struve, who copied the natural models exactly in their mineral construction, but could not replicate their electrochemical qualities that are due to the gas mixture in water, especially the volatile hydrogen.
Of course, also other conventional beverage can be improved by mixing the food industry drinks with alkaline activated water. Many owners of a water ionizer are already doing this, because they cannot or won’t consume the amount of pure water that would be beneficial. I suppose, there are genetic reasons founded in evolution that people would never shout hurray when they only get water to drink.
Cooking with alkaline activated water is not efficient. This is because most gases will leave water at a temperature of 60 degrees Celsius, especially the most volatile one i.e. hydrogen. Although the alkaline activated water remains alkaline during cooking, which has specific advantages in taste and look but its antioxidant quality is lost completely. This applies at least for the molecular hydrogen. Although some researchers believe that existing atomic hydrogen still survives the cooking process, this is not yet sufficiently proven and should certainly be explored further.
So what is the main advantage for us, for everyone’s health and well-being?
What is the redox–revolution – as I call it with a special term?
An electric water ionizer with diaphragm technology is the best way to get Hydrogen-rich water which is a simple tool to improve drinking habits and food. It can be used at every step of food production from seeding to fertilizing and harvesting until it comes to the point of consuming. Food includes drinking – but this water is not only a drink. It contains hydrogen, which is the fundamental part of our energy metabolism.
We are at the threshold of the upcoming hydrogen age. With advanced technologies, we are able to get the sun’s energy more and more directly, no more help required from plants, animals and other sources. The cells of our body crave for hydrogen as much as the new industry of Power Engineering does. Using the revolutionary invention of the water-ionizer can abridge the way into this new era. We are able to move ourselves from the top of the food chain to the last position in the metabolic chain. I think this is a revolution – and a further step in human evolution.
Please read my book which will be translated into English soon.